The Fund for
Innovative Education

Israel is at war. The Fund for Innovative Education is fundraising to help with the educational-social effort.

For tax deductible donations abroad (US, UK, Canada)

לוגו קרנות הביטוח הלאומי
לוגו חינוך ירושלמי

We are here
to make a difference

The Fund for Innovative Education (NGO) is the most experienced body in Israel in promoting educational entrepreneurship among teachers and teacher’s assistances in the formal education system, which operates nationwide, from kindergarten to high-school, and in special education as well.

At the heart of our work lies the notion that the educators on the ground are the most significant agents for change, and that educational entrepreneurship is the best and most effective means of promoting solutions to the burning issues in the Israeli education system.

מורה ותלמידה

What do we do?

The Fund operates in a joint venture with the Ministry of Education of Israel and accompanies about 350 educational innovations annually throughout the country. The Fund has led 4,000 educational initiatives since its establishment and accompanied over 10,000 education professionals who have led innovations for the benefit of Hundreds of thousands of students.

What do
we believe in?

We believe in the power of educational entrepreneurship to change reality; to create tailored solutions to local problems, promote meaningful educational processes, empower students and teachers personally and professionally, empower and advance different populations and to change systemic internal forces. We work to embed educational entrepreneurship as a tool to advance equal opportunity, and through it to lead processes that will trickle into all the parts of the Israeli society.

As an organization that operates in the “startup nation”, we import the values, tools, and spirit of entrepreneurship into the educational spaces, in order to train the future generation for today’s and tomorrow’s world.

מורה יזם ותלמידים

How did we get started?

The Fund for Innovative Education was established in 1971 by its visionary founder, Prof. Marcella Brenner of Washington DC. Until her death in 2007, she continued to be its sole sponsor. Prof. Brenner served as an active professional and an inspiring role model.

Who are we?

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education for emergency and rehabilitation

in times of crisis, as we experiencing these days, we must not give up on the future of the cildren, and their ability to reach their full potential, of becoming thrivig, creative, and socially active adults, (and In these times of emergency) the Fund being a platform which help the educational teams, which are the real agents of change in the field, to build / find their rezilience, and equip them with the tools and knowledge which will allow them to educate the children from a place of choice and awareness to toxic stress.

Your contribution
is important to us!

If you were looking for a way to improve the quality of teaching in Israel and allow thousands of teachers to develop, grow and fulfill their dreams and thus benefit tens of thousands of students – your place with us.

For details regarding partnership options and contributions to the Nonprofit – The Fund for Innovative Education, please contact Yael:

Mail donation :

Phone donation : +972-2-5638895

education in times of war

the security situation is especially harmfull for the children, who’s suffering from an ongoing toxic stress

What can we do?